How to Differentiate Between True And Fake Astrology

Astrologers can help you get out of extreme situations by forecasting the right moves to get out of a crisis. On the other hand, a phony astrologer might offer you the world with hollow words and false predictions. You need to get an authentic astrologer and avoid the fake one. Rajat Nayar astrologer is the most authentic astrologer in the world. Other astrologers have a lot of complaints about things going south, but, Rajat Nayar complaints just have appointment issues. As he is a very busy person.

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Here are some ways to distinguish a real astrologer from a fake one-

A phony astrologer will talk about stars and usual horoscopes. He will work on limited expertise, not more than your zodiac sign and basic charts. The real deal will make your customized birth charts and notice all the planetary movements in your life. The detailing is everything for a real astrologer.

A fake astrologer tells you what you need to do. However, a real one will say what you must do.

A fake one will play with your emotions and usually bait you for fewer chargers or free service. A typical astrologer will charge you 100$ per session and if its way lower than this, it might be a fake. Fake astrologers charge by minutes.

Counterfeit astrologers will never let their sessions be recorded. As it’s a proof for their malpractices. A real one will himself record the session as it’s a new trend to keep a record of their clients and predictions.

Fake astrologers have an automatic reply set up on their websites. Once you register, they will frequently ping you with spam emails and recurrent calls. A real one doesn’t do such things.

Fake astrologers claim to be psychics or mediums to the heavens. Astrology is the study of planets and their influence over your life. It uses pure math to forecast the potential future. The one who claims to be a medium is probably a fake. A real astrologer will ask for a day’s time to work on your data and aptly forecast these events.